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Creative Warm Up Games - Cards Deck



We all have a creative being inside us, but often we tend to ignore it. The good news is that with these Creative Warm Up Games, we will awaken it, making creativity flow to prepare you to face and solve any challenge you have in hand: from the most routine and boring to the most exciting ones.


This deck contains 20 cards, including 16 exercises and usage instructions. It can be used individually or in groups, providing a fun and effective way to stimulate creativity and prepare your brain to tackle challenges more creatively.

We are now releasing a special price for the first 10 pre-ordered units!

Shipping is expected to happen by December 8th.


What can you expect to gain from this

Awaken your inner creative being, stimulate the flow of creativity, and prepare yourself to face challenges innovatively and enjoyably, whether alone or in a group. #CreativeGames #InnovativeThinking #GroupActivities #IndividualExercises

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